If you are unable to connect your Flame Boss® controller to the hotspot on your iPhone it may be due to the hotspot name having an apostrophe. To correct this go to Settings > General > About > Device Name. Tap on the device name, e.g. Joe's iPhone, and remove the apostrophe to change the device name to Joes iPhone.
If you prefer to have an apostrophe in the device name and as the name of your hotspot follow these steps to disable the 'Smart Punctuation' feature on your iPhone.
1. Go to Settings and click on 'General'
2. Scroll down and Click on Keyboard
3. Go to Smart Punctuation
4. Switch toggle from ‘On’ to ‘Off’
5. Go to Settings > General > About > Device Name and delete apostrophe currently entered in device name, e.g. Joe's iPhone, and re-type an apostrophe.
NOTE: The old apostrophe, which was slanted, changes to an apostrophe which is straight and un-slanted.
6. Click 'Done'